AI, ML and Data Science-Internship

About Course
AI, ML and Data Science-Internship
Be a part of our top-rated AI ML Data Science Internship Program and learn a diverse set of skills in a highly collaborative environment. With a comprehensive curriculum and hands-on experience, you will acquire all the knowledge you need to steer your career as a data scientist.
Course Content
Week 1: Learning Python, AI ,ML Basics
Python : Learning Roadmap
03:15 -
Installing Python
11:49 -
Installing Anaconda Distribution
11:36 -
Jupyter Notebook Interface
25:05 -
Getting Started with Python Coding
08:24 -
Python Variables
12:13 -
Python Data Types
19:43 -
Numpy Library & Arithmetic Operators in Python
10:06 -
User Input & Print Formatting
05:21 -
Assignment Operators in Python
07:45 -
Relationship Operators in Python
08:05 -
If Else in Python
12:51 -
Lists Methods in Python
14:33 -
Data Analysis with List
03:29 -
Data Analysis with Numpy Library
06:45 -
Play with Strings in Python
12:50 -
For Loop in Python
13:46 -
Functions in Python
11:25 -
Sets in Python
07:24 -
Tuples in Python
07:16 -
Dictionary in Python
12:19 -
Connecting SQL db using Python
04:07 -
MongoDB with Python
08:06 -
Linear Regression in ML
05:12 -
Statistics : Mean, Mode and Median with Histogram
03:43 -
Random Forest Algorithm
03:19 -
ML Model Optimization: Underfitting & Overfitting
05:25 -
ML Model Validation
05:02 -
Case Study: Price Prediction